Family Enrichment Center is proud to offer Nurturing Parenting® education classes at no cost to the participants.
Parent Education Classes are offered by Family Enrichment Center as a 12-session, self-help course. The 12 class sessions are based on the Nurturing Parenting® Program’s evidence-based curriculum. The goal of the program is to assist parents and their children in enhancing their ability to care for themselves and others. Parents will focus on establishing structure, discipline and positive communication skills in order to become an even better parent!
These classes are offered at NO CHARGE to the parent and meet requirements for the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and the court system. Both Day-Time and Evening Classes are offered for convenience. Parents MUST complete the required Pre-Test and other enrollment forms to register for upcoming classes. All classes are held online via Zoom.​
EVENING All-Age Parent Education Classes:
Classes will meet on-line via Zoom from 5:30-7:30 PM CST for 12 weeks on either Mondays or Tuesdays.
DAY-TIME All-Age Parent Education Classes:
Classes will meet on-line via Zoom from 9-11 AM CST PM Monday and Thursday mornings for 6 weeks.
MONTHLY Parent Support Group Meetings:
Parent Support Groups will meet online via Zoom on the last Thursday of each month from 5:30 -7:30 PM CST.​ Dates during the holiday season (November-December) may differ from the standard schedule. This group is open to all community members! To attend email, Parent Education Coordinator, Denise Lambrianou.