CPCA’s mission is to educate, advocate, and collaborate within our communities to address gaps in services and prevent child abuse.
The Coalition to Prevent Child Abuse (CPCA) was founded by Family Enrichment Center over 20 years ago in an effort to address gaps in services for children and form a united front in the fight against child abuse. Today, CPCA is made up of like-minded, organizations from around South Central Kentucky who meet regularly to identify needs in the community in the prevention and response of the maltreatment of children.

Within the coalition, there is a variety of expertise and professional backgrounds represented by the different agencies, i.e. child abuse prevention, domestic violence, rape crisis, mental health, substance abuse, family resource centers, faith community, law enforcement, and the Department for Community Based Services.
In addition to leading awareness efforts during April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, CPCA's accomplishments range from advocacy and education surrounding children's services and policies, the creation of Voices of Hope, a community training guide to recognize and report child abuse, and wallet-sized resource cards for law enforcement to use when on calls.
The CPCA Steering Committee is the driving force behind CPCA efforts with some of the member organizations being founded as a result of early CPCA meetings.
Aside from regular meetings, awareness efforts, and advocacy, this core group offers a variety of prevention-focused trainings for businesses, faith-based groups, or anyone who would like to make a difference in their community and help protect children. Learn more about available trainings here.
If you or your business is interested in becoming a member of CPCA, contact FEC's Executive Director, Nickie Jones.

Empowering families and preventing child abuse by providing education, social support, crisis intervention and a safe environment for children and their families. Programs include Wee Care Nursery (including free crisis care), Adoption Resources, Parenting Classes, Support Groups, Supervised Visitation, Parents as Teachers and Community Awareness.
Founded in 1980, the Barren River Area Safe Space, Inc. started as a community effort to create opportunities for accessibility for victims of domestic violence to receive emergency shelter and crisis aid, support services, and educational programming for victims and the community.
Provides services to victims of child sexual abuse and their non-offending caregivers such as forensic interviews, medical examinations, trauma specific mental health therapy, advocacy services, and prevention education to children and adults. Serves Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson & Warren Counties.
The Bowling Green Police Department Victim Advocate provides crisis intervention, information and referrals for services, and criminal justice support to crime victims and their family members.
1-877-597-2331 OR 1-270-651-0287 Centralized Intake
The department provides family support; child care; child and adult protection; eligibility determinations for Medicaid and food benefits; and administration of an energy cost-assistance program.
The LifeSkills Center for Child Welfare Education and Research (LCCWEAR)'s mission is to support the development of child welfare professionals to serve Kentucky’s families and children. LCCWEAR is facilitating applied research by collaboratively seeking solutions to chronic conditions that continue to negatively impact Kentucky’s families and children.
As the Warren County Attorney, it is my mission to continue to ensure that Warren County is a safe place to live, work and raise a family. My office prosecutes all misdemeanors and seeks justice for victims, strives to protect our children from abuse and neglect, collects child support to help our children thrive, and works with the Warren Fiscal Court and our elected officials to promote economic growth in order to fully serve our community.
A non-profit crisis counseling center that provides one-of-a-kind services to victims of sexual assault, their families and friends. These services are available in Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson, and Warren Counties.
Our services include assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders, substance abuse disorders, and traumatic experiences. We also provide relationship counseling, co-parenting counseling, collaborative divorce coach, mediation, targeted case management, and Batterer Intervention Program.
Become part the solution and host a training for your staff, youth group, church congregation, or neighborhood. To book a training click the presenting organization's logo. Dark blue trainings are geared toward children and gray for ages 16+. In addition to these trainings, CPCA members can customize a presentation on the topics below for your group based on its needs.
Anger Management
Child Abuse Recognition & Reporting
Discipline Techniques
Domestic Violence in the Workplace
Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
Internet Safety
Parenting Skills
Rape Awareness & Risk Reduction
Recognizing & Reporting Child Sexual Abuse
Stress Reduction
Body Safety/ROAR
Presented by:
One-Time Training
25 Minutes
“ROAR” is a child-based education program that teaches children ages 4-6 body safety and empowers them to raise their voices to speak out against abuse. The interactive and easy to implement lesson is designed to be taught in a classroom or group setting. A lion named Rex and his animal friends take children on journey to find his ROAR, a simple and memorable acronym that teaches children that their bodies are their own and empowers children to stand up against abuse.
Green Dot
2-Part Series
Repeated Annually
Presented by:
Green Dot is a proven primary prevention strategy that focuses on all the members of a community as potential bystanders. Through education and skills practice, participants will change social norms that support power-based personal violence and empower participants to intervene with peers to prevent violence from occurring. Bystander Training offered to community members, organizations and businesses. If 15% of an organization attends a 4-hour Bystander Training, they can receive a designation of Green Dot Spot signaling the commitment to ending violence in SOKY.
Support Over Silence
Presented by:
One-Time Training
3 Hours
Support Over Silence for KIDS was developed by a team of experts in public health, parenting, injury prevention, pediatrics, child abuse, psychology, marketing, program design and evaluation. This three-hour training prepares community members to confidently provide support during a challenging moment between a caregiver and their child in public. Six interactive modules teach participants the importance of this support and allows them to practice the skills needed to engage with caregivers and kids in a non-judgmental way.
Family Enrichment Center and the CPCA have been leading the charge on celebrations for National Child Abuse Prevention Month for over 20 years. Each April a proclamation with Bowling Green City and Warren County officials is held and we encourage members of the community to attend. We partner with surrounding counties to host events throughout the region. FEC also coordinates the distribution of blue ribbons and other awareness supplies ranging from stickers and lapel pins, to door bows and pinwheels. Request your April Awareness items today!

Be sure to check out the CPCA calendar below or download a printable version for all child abuse prevention related events!